These are my favorite things…

Happy-Holidays-snowmanHi Readers,

The Holidays.  Just saying that, how does it make you feel?  Stressed?  Joyful?  Maybe a little of both or in between?  For me, I am sad the Holidays are almost over.  It is frightful to know we are on the last day of November when Halloween seemed to occur just yesterday!  However, I am determined to make the best of the rest of the year and I hope you are too.  These are a few of my favorite things at this time of year.

  1.  No more excuses.  Time to spend with the family and days off too.  Don’t you love it?  Not only do you get days off to spend time with family and friends but you get paid for the days too.  Now if you work in retail or other types of businesses where you have to work the holidays, I apologize because this can be a bummer.  I have a co-worker who worked in retail last year and was scheduled to work on Thanksgiving (for black Friday sales).  She will never forget how sad she felt having to work when her family was enjoying time together around the dinner table with relatives she hadn’t seen in quite a long while.
  2. Lot of sales!  I looove shopping throughout the year but items can add up and get expensive real quick.  However, at this time of year just about everything you can think of is on sale at some point.  You just have to watch the ads or check out the stores to catch them.
  3. Bright, twinkly lights.  Who doesn’t love beautiful lights?  Especially when you don’t have to pay for the electricity.  I love driving around with my hubby viewing beautiful displays of animated snowmen, merry Santa Clauses and cute reindeer.  It’s fun and it’s free.  What’s not to love?
  4. A different feeling in the air.  People are generally happier.  They open doors for you and are a bit kinder than they might’ve been the rest of the year.  Sometimes you might even receive a surprise like your favorite beverage paid for before your car hits the drive through window.
  5. An excuse to eat sweets with less guilt.  Yes, I have a sweet tooth.  In fact, I think I might have two or three instead of one.  Hahaha.  This time of year, you can feel a bit less guilty indulging in your favorite dishes though that’s not an excuse to gorge and overdo it!  But your doctor’s Rx is more lenient at this time and he says “treat yourself because you are special.”  You deserve it.  (wink)

These are just a few of the lovely things I enjoy this time of year.  What are yours?

I sincerely wish you Happy Holidays!  May they be merry and bright and filled with much love and laughter.  Till our next chat, take care and be safe throughout this holiday season!


Need something to read? How about a hot PNR?

Let’s talk turkey!

Need something steamy, post-Thanksgiving?

** How about a wolf-shifter with a heart of gold? **

~*~* Josh can’t get enough of his **Spicy** mate. ~*~*
~ Unfortunately, Tamara’s done with men. ~
Can Josh convince her, He’s Different?

~* Nightfall by TK Lawyer ~*
** Sizzling – HOT – Paranormal Romance **



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It’s the little things..

surprise-happy-birthday-gifts-5Hi Readers,

Just some thoughts on my birthday to share.  You know, as the years pass by, it’s funny how our preferences change.  Just yesterday while my husband was running around trying to buy a gift for me, I realized how I would rather have his company instead of a gift.  Many, many years ago, in my twenties, I wouldn’t have agreed with this thinking and would’ve reached for the present instead but now with bills and responsibilities and duties, things like time are even more precious.  Objects can always be bought but company is hard to come by.

I still love receiving presents, though, but it’s the little things…  A special and unusual color of roses (dusty pink) in an arrangement from a man who means so much to me (when he has very little time to spare), whispered words in my ear of affection, generous hugs, pampering, festive communication in the middle of my day, and loving gestures mean the world to me, especially when coming from those I love.

So, as I sit here at my day job and am receiving a few birthday wishes, I am warmed by the recognition.  I’m also a bit sad with the realization that there hasn’t been any comments on my main FB page but it’s okay because it really doesn’t matter in the end and people have busy lives.  Yes, my birthday is special to me and I love celebrating it and the revelry behind it but… that all passes and then life continues.  So, in the meantime, on my special day, I will do little things to help celebrate who I am and where I’ve been.  And I am looking forward to those things that really matter to me and experiencing them with those I love.  That is the real celebration.