That dreaded…imposter syndrome

Hello there.

I am back with another article about the woes that sometimes happen within the author world. However, I have to say, that this concept “imposter syndrome” though mostly talked about within the author community, likely applies to everyone alive on Earth, today.

We all have those moments where we wonder if we are ever enough. Where we wonder if our work (whether it be writing or something else like a presentation in front of strangers) is good enough or are we all just playing charlatans in our own private world- putting on masks of happiness when we are shaky and uncertain inside, at times.

I, often, feel this way. Have you ever felt this way? Tell me what you do to shake off this notion that what you do might not be “up to par?”

For me, I like to vent and talk to people. If you are on Facebook, you can often see me venting about one thing or the other because the author world and everything that encompasses it is not perfect. We all need an outlet to safely let our emotions loose. I tell everyone that even though I may describe events, I will never name names. I don’t call people out but I will say- if you ever want to know who the people are who “did me wrong” and maybe started the ball rolling on imposter syndrome, all you have to do is reach out to me and ask. I have had several do this, in the past.

The author community is small, at times, but it can also be big and a great networking arena. Authors collaborate with others, most often and they know the triumphs and the woes others are going through. If you are one, feel free to reach out to author friends as they will, more than likely, know exactly what you are going through. It’s always great to get an objective perspective of your situation. Sometimes we are so close to the subject (especially when it comes to our book babies) that we can’t see past our nose when it comes to our writing.

After 9 years of being published, it is no different for me. There are days I think my books suck and why would anyone want to read such rubbish and then there are days a reader will reach out to me and make me smile, telling me they absolutely treasured one of my books, reading it till all hours of the night because they couldn’t put it down. It’s those times that the imposter syndrome hides and my heart is full of love and joy. It’s those times that we should truly sink into that good feeling and remember who we are.

Take care, my friends and write on!