And so this is Christmas…

Hello readers,

As we approach the ending of the year and I reflect upon another year gone in my life, I can’t help but think about all of the wonderous people I have met along my journey in the book world.

I find it truly fascinating to know that so many of my Facebook friends and followers I have today I, likely, would never have met. I would, likely, have never known them, at all. And the only reason that I possibly am acquainted with them is because of one sole fact. One thing I did about nine years ago- one decision I made that changed my entire life- when my book Nightfall was published in December of 2014. I became an Author.

I decided to venture down this unknown highway, not knowing what I would face and what I would encounter along the way but knowing, somehow, in my heart that I would face whatever came across my path and handle it. No matter what was hurled at me, I would find a way to get through it. I would find a way past it because writing is what I love and telling tales is just an essential part of me that I never knew existed until that moment.

It’s because of this little step that I took that I got to know so many people, have been a part of so many book conventions, have traveled to meet readers and have had so many wonderful experiences that I can’t even begin to start thanking all the people in my life who made this happen. Nine years later and 20+ books written, I would never venture back and undo what I did. I am happy where I am, for the most part, and I am ready to continue on, branching out in new directions as I take my brand and expand it to even more amazing readers.

If you have picked up one of my books, left me a review, met me in person or just became a friend or follower, I Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for helping me and supporting me on this journey. Without you, I wouldn’t have made it this far. I appreciate you and I wish you the very best of Holidays!

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