And so this is Christmas…

Hello readers,

As we approach the ending of the year and I reflect upon another year gone in my life, I can’t help but think about all of the wonderous people I have met along my journey in the book world.

I find it truly fascinating to know that so many of my Facebook friends and followers I have today I, likely, would never have met. I would, likely, have never known them, at all. And the only reason that I possibly am acquainted with them is because of one sole fact. One thing I did about nine years ago- one decision I made that changed my entire life- when my book Nightfall was published in December of 2014. I became an Author.

I decided to venture down this unknown highway, not knowing what I would face and what I would encounter along the way but knowing, somehow, in my heart that I would face whatever came across my path and handle it. No matter what was hurled at me, I would find a way to get through it. I would find a way past it because writing is what I love and telling tales is just an essential part of me that I never knew existed until that moment.

It’s because of this little step that I took that I got to know so many people, have been a part of so many book conventions, have traveled to meet readers and have had so many wonderful experiences that I can’t even begin to start thanking all the people in my life who made this happen. Nine years later and 20+ books written, I would never venture back and undo what I did. I am happy where I am, for the most part, and I am ready to continue on, branching out in new directions as I take my brand and expand it to even more amazing readers.

If you have picked up one of my books, left me a review, met me in person or just became a friend or follower, I Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for helping me and supporting me on this journey. Without you, I wouldn’t have made it this far. I appreciate you and I wish you the very best of Holidays!

You ever have those days?

As a writer, in between romance stories, I find myself almost numb.

I just finished self-editing my WIP and sent it for formal editing. Now, I have time to relax. Time to myself to rest and recuperate before I get the book back and run through 2 rounds of editing before it’s published.

Yet, am I taking the time I have been gifted with and sitting back and relaxing like I’m supposed to?

Oh no! Not me.

I am already frantically considering my next book and trying to write it but I find my motivation is lacking. All I want to do is “veg” out and throw myself on the couch and watch a sappy rom-com, instead. But my brain never stops and it’s nagging me to get up and write something. It’s reminding me that I have readers that need new material. It’s not letting me rest. It’s also reminding me my large to-do list for my author business I need to get done. Argh…

You ever have days like this? What do you do to get out of your funk?

In the meantime, I am taking one day at a time and going slow with myself. I can not write a book when I am pressured. I have known that for a while. So, I know that when I am inspired I will sit down and write at that time and continue writing. For now, I’m just going to try to enjoy this time off the best that I can.

The stellar C.D. Melley

Hi Readers,

I am back with another incredible author.  Check out my interview with Douglas J. McLeod who writes under the pen names:  C. D. Melley, and Crimson Nuage and then one click his featured book “The Prairie Fire Within.”

Douglas J McLeod Author Image

Thank you so much for joining me!

  1. Tell me a bit about one of your favorites that you wrote.

I guess my favorite book to write was my first foray into the romance genre, The Prairie Fire Within. Before then, most of the stories I wrote were of the detective genre; whether it was private eye stories in elementary school, or the paranormal detective tales I write now. However, I wanted to try something different. Since most of the authors I had befriended on social media at the time wrote romance, I decided to give that a go. Only one problem: how to distinguish myself from my detective books? At the time, my great aunt was losing her battle with Stage IV lung cancer, so I made a vow to myself and to her: I would create a new author persona to pay homage to her. Taking the initials of one of my middle names, and my real first name, as well as, her maiden name, the name “C. D. Melley” was born. I released “TPFW” in February 2014, and was the first book of an intended trilogy. Admittedly, with three personas, and a plethora of plot bunnies to chase, the rest of the trilogy has been slow coming. I released the second book, The Prairie Fire Rekindled, in November 2017, and the final tome, The Prairie Fire Ablaze, has a goal of an August 2020 release. Whether or not I make that deadline is yet to be seen.

Douglas J McLeod - The Prairie Fire Within_Book Cover

The Prairie Fire Within is available on Amazon and other fine eBook retailers:

2. Writing is a difficult endeavor. What makes you continue to write?

It is quite a difficult endeavor; even more so when you have a full-time job and are also studying part-time towards a university degree. That being said, I enjoy writing. I feel there are some compelling stories within me, and some interesting ideas that have popped into my head over the years. Granted, some of them have not been seen through to completion. I guess you could argue I have a bit of ADD in that regard. Regardless, I believe everyone has a creative side. For example, my wife makes homemade crafts for herself and the dog rescue she volunteers with. My case, it’s writing. I find it very cathartic to get my thoughts and feelings down on paper, or in a document, after a stressful day or week at work. It helps calm and relax me in the process.


3. What do you look forward to every day?

It’s funny you ask that. For years, I would dread getting out of bed every day because I felt like I didn’t have any real purpose or drive. I was constantly depressed and suffered from anxiety. This was due to a negative upbringing where I was made to believe I wouldn’t amount to anything. But thanks to writing and other positive cognitive practices, I am grateful for what the day brings me. Before, I didn’t have much to look forward to; whether it was in life, work, or romantic relationships. Now, I have a wonderful wife who supports me every step of the way, a day job that, while it can be stressful and aggravating at times, helps put food on the table, and a whole new life I didn’t think was possible years ago.

Part of that was moving away from a Toronto neighborhood where I lived the majority of my life (37 years) to start this aforementioned new life in Florida over three years ago. My anxiety was through the roof because I was not ready to step out of my comfort zone. But thanks to my now wife, she helped me break down those psychological walls, and show me that, in the famous words of basketball all-star Kevin Garnett, “Anything is possible.”


4. How do you define success? What makes you successful?

One would think success as an author is measured by sales, having a devout following of readers, or having a lucrative publishing deal. I don’t see that to be the case for me. As someone who is as eclectic and varied as myself between my three personas and the three genres I write (paranormal detective/mystery, romance with various levels of steam, and reflective poetry), it’s tough to garner a following. While I do enjoy it when I go to an event and sell a paperback copy of one of my titles, or I log into one of my online publishing accounts and see an e-copy has been purchased, I know that there are others who sell a considerable amount more. I think it’s because they have the time and energy to write on a regular basis. Alas, with my schedule, I try to write when I can. I guess, in short, my success is measured in the small victories I’m able to make along the way.


5. Any tips for a newbie writer?

My number one piece of advice for a new writer is not to get discouraged. The road to success has the odd pothole in it, and if you’re not careful, it will mess you up. You might not get the sales you hope for right away, or you might feel like you’re a small fish in a big pond. That’s perfectly alright. Just continue to write what you enjoy. To paraphrase the famous quote from the movie, Field of Dreams, “If you write it, they will read.”

Also, don’t get too intimidated when it comes to marketing yourself and your books. As a self-published author, the promotional aspects fall squarely upon our shoulders, and I’ll be perfectly honest, I can’t market myself worth a crap, so it can be quite daunting when you don’t know what you’re doing. However, getting to know fellow, supportive authors and others in the book community will help you on your journey.

You might hear the horror stories of cliques in the community, and yes, in some aspects, there is a “high school mentality” amongst some individuals. Those are the type of people you want to avoid and not get wrapped up in the drama. But if you do your research, there are some absolutely supportive people out there who will actually help you along the way. Just be prepared to return their generosity in kind because it is truly a “do unto others as they do unto you” mindset and courtesy to them. Just be careful if you intend to turn a hated rival into a dead body in a future work of fiction. Litigation can be an awful bitch.


** Follow Douglas McLeod and his writing endeavors at**



The suspenseful D. Thomas Jerlo

Hi Readers,

I am here again with another fabulous author interview, just for you.  Enjoy while you learn more about D. Thomas Jerlo and be sure to one click your copy of Dark Prisoner.:The Kruthos Key.


Hello.  Welcome and thanks for joining me. 

Tell me a bit about one of your favorites that you wrote. 

Dark Prisoner: The Kruthos Key was written as an EPIC fantasy novel. I had started fifty plus odd novels throughout my lifetime, but it was after I joined a writing site that I finished writing one. This particular book came out at 170K words. Yikes! So I split the novel into two and am currently rewriting/editing the 2nd one, Dark Prisoner: Ebbing of Tides.

Writing is a difficult endeavor. What makes you continue to write? 

It’s certainly not for money or fame. In all reality it’s who I am. Since I was a little girl stories swirled in my head and my need to write them down either as poetry or in paragraph form became second nature to me. My twin sister was involved in sports, bug collecting, fighting, etc. A typical tom-boy. Me? I had my head buried in a book, or was coloring and drawing, or writing a tale or two. It kept me sane growing up and made me who I am today.

What do you look forward to every day? 

Waking up is a good thing. *chuckles* I look forward to seeing someone being kind to another person and/or animal; I look forward to seeing someone in their 80’s still holding hands; I look forward to seeing a world without so much hate and derision. Every day I try to give a little happiness to someone whether it be a compliment, holding the door open, a gift, etc. Small things like that can amount to something huge. That’s what I look forward to every day. Oh, and my grandson’s smile. Makes me melt every time!

How do you define success? What makes you successful? 

I define success by how happy one is with themselves. In this publishing world there are many authors vying for that spotlight of success. And as many know, it’s few and far between that the spotlight shines on them. For me as a writer, if I’ve written a book that people like and it stays with them long after the last page is read, then I’ve done what I set out to do. That to me is success.

Any tips for a newbie writer? 

I’ve been in this business since the inception of eBooks, and although I was an Amazon Best-Selling author for a couple of weeks, I’m nowhere near as successful as Stephen King, Nora Roberts or J.K. Rowlings. However, I would never have landed on that best-selling list if I’d given up. Another very important tip: Grow thicker skin because in this business you’ll need it. Not everyone is going to like what you write and that’s just the way it is. Unfortunately, some people can be extremely cruel with their review(s). When you get knocked down like that (and you will), dust yourself off and keep going. And try to remember that it’s merely one person’s opinion.


Follow the author on Amazon:


One click your copy of Dark Prisoner here:



Check out Jasper’s Recent Spotlight!

The first book in the Guardian League was spotlighted recently.  This book includes all the infamous Guardian League members but each book in the series can be read in any order you like as they are all stand-alone and ready for your enjoyment!


Check out Jasper, the youngest member of the Guardian League’s book today, available on Amazon:


Jasper with book blurb

Aeron is in the Spotlight!

Hi Readers,

Check out the Spotlight for Aeron, Book 4 of the Guardian League series, including an excerpt of the book.  Aeron and all the books in the Guardian League are stand-alone books which can be read in any order you prefer.

Author Interview Live today!

Hi lovely readers!


Check out my latest author interview.  This was a fun one to do.  Thank you Ms. Fiona for the opportunity!

Here is my interview with TK Lawyer

About Author TK Lawyer

Meet the Author- hearts picture


About TK Lawyer-

I am an Award Nominated Paranormal Romance Author. I have been writing since high school but it was sometime in 2011 when my writing blossomed into a career. Craving some kind of excitement and adventure in my life, I jotted down a few notes for a book and never looked back.

My books blend my interest in the paranormal and my love of romance.

Steamy, unique, fun tales of adventure with alpha males and feisty, curvy females are my signature. I write what I love: passionate, erotic, emotion-tugging novels that widen readers’ experiences and leaves them wanting more. No two books are alike and each one is a stand-alone novel ready for fans and readers alike to dive into and enjoy!



Indie Book Fest starts today!

Hi Readers,

Come meet me this weekend at Indie Book Fest in Lake Mary, Florida.  I will be at FanFare tomorrow, at the book signing on Saturday plus attending several panels and workshops throughout the days.

Check out the giveaway at my signing table and my books for sale.  I will even have swag for you to take with you.  I’d love to chat with you.  If I attack you it’s only because I like you and I want to give you a hug (wide smile).


Author Interview and Spotlight

Hi Readers,


Check out my latest Author Interview and Spotlight here:



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